
CEO of GM outlines plan for “New GM” after auto company declared bankruptcy

Thursday, June 4, 2009 In a New York press conference at 16:15 UTC, June 1st, Fritz Henderson, the Chief Executive Officer of General Motors, which filed for bankruptcy and Chapter 11 protection from its creditors earlier today, outlined a plan for what he called a “New GM”. Speaking to the press under safe harbor provisionsRead More

CEO of GM outlines plan for “New GM” after auto company declared bankruptcy


Tennessee town mulls ‘stop work order’ as construction of controversial grain tanks begins

Saturday, December 3, 2005 Mayor Scott Jewell of the city of Dyer, Tennessee did not issue a “stop work order” to Dyer Grain Company late Tuesday afternoon as had been expected. The order would have temporarily halted construction of new grain storage tanks. Dyer Grain’s efforts at expansion have been blocked several times over theRead More

Tennessee town mulls ‘stop work order’ as construction of controversial grain tanks begins


Rail manslaughter charges are dropped in Hatfield, England

Thursday, July 14, 2005 Charges against the five rail bosses accused of manslaughter on four people who died in the Hatfield, England train crash, have been dropped at the Old Bailey. Alistair Cook, 50, Sean Fugill, 50, Keith Lea, 53, and two executives from Balfour Beatty — Anthony Walker, 46, and Nicholas Jeffries, 53 —Read More

Rail manslaughter charges are dropped in Hatfield, England

Ankle Bracelets: Accessories To Pamper And Adorn Your Feet

Click Here To Know More About: Australian Soccer Jerseys By Sam Serio Feet are among the most the most beautiful parts of a woman’s body. This fact is often overshadowed by modern media, which highlights women’s faces and torsos, and little else. Yet throughout history, the delicate shape of women’s feet have been paid greatRead More Ankle Bracelets: Accessories To Pamper And Adorn Your Feet


One year on: Egyptians mark anniversary of protests that toppled Mubarak

Wednesday, January 25, 2012 Across Egypt hundreds of thousands have taken to the streets for the day, marking exactly one year since the outbreak of protests leading to 83-year-old longstanding ruler Hosni Mubarak’s downfall. The country’s decades-long emergency rule was partially lifted this week; meanwhile, a possible economic meltdown looms and a newly-elected parliament heldRead More

One year on: Egyptians mark anniversary of protests that toppled Mubarak


The Deadliest Fall

18 December 2004 http://www.ideaexplore.net/news/041116/flu.jpg Emergency hospital during 1918 influenza epidemic, Camp Funston, Kansas (source: National Museum of Health and Medicine, AFIP). A bout of the flu can be mild. In young, healthy adults, many infections pass unnoticed. But sometimes the influenza virus evolves into a strain that decimates its victims. The worst known strain sweptRead More

The Deadliest Fall