Bichon Frise Facts You Must Know Before Adopting Bichon Frise

Bichon Frise – Facts You Must Know Before Adopting Bichon Frise



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Also known as Bichon a` poil fries, or Tenerife Dog, the Bichon Frise is a sturdy little dog with smart exterior. The literal translation of their name in French is “curly lap dog” due to their original purpose of being the lap dogs for French royalty. The male Bichon Frise stands 9-12 inches, while females are 9-11 inches tall. This breed weighs an average of 7-12 pounds regardless of their gender.


The coat of a Bichon Frise is lengthy, loosely curled, and puffing outward all over the body. The coat for this breed is double layered, with a generous amount of hair on the head, ears, beard, mustache, and tail. Their coat color is white, although some crosses have cream or patches of cream hues in the hair.



The Bichon Frise requires a low-level exercise since they are able to exercise themselves all day with their playfulness and high energy. Due to their small size, they do not need much space. Walks outdoors, family activities in the yard, or even playing at a local park are enough for this breed. The Bichon Frise is not ideal for hunting, or hiking in the mountains.


Bichon Frises are playful, and affectionate. They are calm, friendly, and charming, lively, bold, and adaptable. This breed is one of the few smaller breeds that are great with children of all ages including the adults. They are the favorite dogs of those wanting a laid back pet with a stance toward the world, even to pets, strangers, and other dogs. A highly sensitive dog that easily gets hurt, this breed is willing to cuddle with their owners.

The Bichon Frise is an independent, highly intelligent, charming, self-assured breed that is a barker making it a great watchdog, and thrives on human interaction. But as with other small breeds, the Bichon Frise is difficult to housebreak. Proper training is the key in housebreaking this breed since all puppies and dogs can be trained, but not all trainers can properly train.


The Bichon Frise is a calm-mannered breed that is versatile, intelligent, and resilient. This breed was the favorite of French Royalty and now is popular as a household pet or as a show dog.


The Bichon Frise requires a lot of grooming. Their coats must be brushed thoroughly everyday to avoid matting and consequent skin problems. Trimming occasionally is a necessity to prevent it from lengthening too much. Hair around the eyes should be checked regularly to ensure that they will not cause irritation, and clipping the excess fur between the pads of their feet should be done. Visits to a professional groomer every five or six weeks are recommended to keep the ideal “powder-puff” show ring exterior.


The Bichon Frise needs firm and gentle training, as they are highly sensitive to any rough training or negative attitude. All owners need a collar and a leash to begin the training. Buckle collars, reversed pinch collars, and leather-raining collars are acceptable since nylon and chain chokers will tangle in their hair and matt. Training this breed using food treats along with collar and leash is highly recommended.


The Bichon Frise is quick, intelligent, and easy to train. This breed is naturally obedient, with a history of high trainability as brilliant entertainer doing agility shows, therapy work, and even doing tricks.

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