Houston Secret Nightlife Reasons Not To Wear Boots

Submitted by: Robert Corter

I know we are talking about the Houston area and this may seem sacrilege, but I do have something I need to warn you about. There are some very good reasons that you may want to avoid wearing boots when you are going to party places in Houston. I know this may sound crazy, but not having boots on may actually save your life at some point.

It happened to me not that long ago. My friends and I had gone out to the bars and clubs for the night looking for some fun parties to join in on. I was wearing something that I wear very often, just a buttoned shirt with a pair of jeans and my boots. I took great pride in my boots and wore them out a lot. Tonight would be the last night that would happen.

We went to this particular dance club, I won t say the name, and headed over towards the dance floor. They were playing some really great songs and we saw some pretty girls who were looking to dance so we made our move over to them and asked them to dance. A particularly pretty blonde named Patti agreed to dance with me. I led her out to the dance floor.


That s when it hit me. My boots immediately slid as soon as they hit the slick dance floor. I went straight down on my backside and dragged Patti with me, her skirt flipping up as we fell. Needless to say, Patti never spoke to me again. My back was killing me, but the thing was I couldn t stand up. I kept falling down on the floor. Finally my friends helped me up and we got out of there.

My friends wanted to stay and party but I just wanted to leave and go home and rest my aches. I left the bar and began to walk down the street looking for a cab. After not finding one, I finally just called for one on my cell phone and waited on the corner. Three shady looking characters starting walking over to me, looking at me menacingly.

I tried to turn and run from them but my boots failed me again and once again I went down. Seems this was a particularly smooth part of the sidewalk. I lay on the ground looking up at the hoodlums. The one simply said to me You don t wear boots in our neighborhood, as the other two reached down and took my boots off my feet. They didn t take my wallet, my phone or anything else, just my boots.

The cab showed up a minute later and took me home. I never bothered to call the police about anything. I took some aspirin when I got home and a hot shower. I never told anyone about the party places in Houston where I had my boots stolen, but I haven t worn boots since then.

About the Author: Are there secret boot-stealing societies preying on the

party places in Houston

? Let us know if you have heard about this at our

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