
Florida man charged with stealing Wi-Fi

Update since publication This article mentions that Wi-Fi stands for “Wireless Fidelity”, although this is disputed. Thursday, July 7, 2005 A Florida man is being charged with 3rd degree felony for logging into a private Wi-Fi (Wireless Fidelity) Internet access point without permission. Benjamin Smith III, 41, is set for a pre-trial hearing this monthRead More

Florida man charged with stealing Wi-Fi


US Senator Kennedy has brain tumor surgically removed

Monday, June 2, 2008 Ted Kennedy Today, United States Senator Ted Kennedy underwent surgery for a brain tumor at Duke University Medical Center. Kennedy, 76, was diagnosed with malignant glioma, a common but dangerous form of cancer, after suffering a seizure on May 17. Kennedy has met repeatedly with friend and medical advisor Dr. LawrenceRead More

US Senator Kennedy has brain tumor surgically removed


Canada tests cow for mad cow disease

Friday, April 14, 2006 Initial tests done on a six-year-old dairy cow in Fraser Valley, a farming community near Vancouver, British Columbia in Canada, are inconclusive for bovine spongiform encephalopathy, or “mad cow disease,” said Canada’s Food Inspection Agency. Further tests are being conducted at Winnipeg’s National Centre for Foreign Animal Disease and results areRead More

Canada tests cow for mad cow disease


British snooker player Alex Higgins found dead at age 61

Monday, July 26, 2010 Alex Higgins in 2008. Image: User:Bigpad. Snooker player Alex Higgins, nicknamed “Hurricane”, was found dead in his apartment in Donegall Road, Belfast, Northern Ireland on Saturday. He was aged 61 and had been suffering from throat cancer since 1997. Born in Belfast on March 18, 1949, Higgins became the champion ofRead More

British snooker player Alex Higgins found dead at age 61


IBM to launch software that works on Linux, Windows and Macintosh

Monday, February 12, 2007 On Sunday the representatives of International Business Machines Inc. said that the company will launch its new desktop software system for businesses. IBM’s new product is called “Open Client Offering”. The company hopes that its product will put Macintosh or Linux software on a more equal footing with Windows. The OpenRead More

IBM to launch software that works on Linux, Windows and Macintosh